Four abandoned kittens found by one of our fosters were put with Scarlett last Sunday. Unfortunately, the babies had been without their mom too long and their digestive systems started seizing up and three of them passed in the subsequent few days. One little girl, a pretty calico, is still holding strong. Here is a picture of Scarlett and the baby she saved.
Live Kitten Web-Cam
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Saturday, September 29, 2012
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Scarlett to the Rescue
It is a long shot, to say the least, but Scarlett is trying to be mother to four abandoned kittens found Saturday night. One of them is not doing as well as the others but it is a small miracle that any of the babies have made it this far. Scarlett is currently at a different foster home of Team Cat and that foster mom will try and keep us posted, though she has her hands full with work and doing what she can to help Scarlett save these beautiful babies. What a great momma!!! ~ KittenRescues |
Monday, September 24, 2012
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Thrown from a car, now safe and loved.
This little boy was thrown from a car. A kind lady found him and contacted our fearless leader and cat champion, love_my_cats. He was dropped off and taken to our vet to check him out and fix his leg. He is now safe in a home with another foster who also has another kitten with a broken leg.
Urgent intake
These 3 sweeties were found by another of our fosters. They were in a bush and no momma. Still have the umbilical cords attached. Roar is going to see if Scarlett will help with them.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Daisy Finds Another Willing Mom In Rainbow
Rainbow, a calico tabby, was a mom to a previous kitten cam litter, and surrogate mom to a few more kittens that followed.
Rainbow loves kittens and continued to try and nurse other kittens that came into the foster home for months after she was fixed. She has been waiting patiently for the chance to cuddle with a baby again, and Daisy found another mommy to give her the attention she can't seem to get enough of. Just so happens that Daisy and Rainbow look a whole lot alike!
Here Rainbow says to Daisy "Get over here and let me give you a bath!"
Friday, September 21, 2012
Lola is KittyKatFL's own kitty that she first fostered for A Second Chance Puppies & Kittens Rescue. Lola was very sick when she was rescued from a high-kill shelter, and it took her a long time to gain weight. KittyKatFL nursed her and her siblings back to health and got them adopted, though Lola didn't go far.
Posey and Pink
Posey and Pink, two of KittyKatFL's current fosters. Pink (right) was briefly shown on the Kitten Cam the day she was rescued.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Monday, September 17, 2012
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Canned Food Drive Continues
When we lost poor little Scout, viewers got the idea to start a canned food drive for the kitten cam cats and those other kittens in the ASC program. We are so thankful for the canned food that has arrived, especially because many of the cats and kittens in our program and many of the area shelters have or recently had upper respiratory infections. These URI's make the noses stuffy and food less interesting, so canned food is a must to entice the sick kitties to eat. We go through many cans of cat food a week, so the need is still strong.
Following are some varieties of canned food we use most and need. If you would like to buy some and send them to us as a tax-deductible donation, you will again have our thanks and our kitties will have happy bellies!
Kitten Formula and Bottle Feeding Supplies
Bottle feeding is a tough job, and we go through lots of bottles, kitten milk replacer, and weaning formula. These supplies are always in demand, and we even use them on really sick cats who need the extra calories, proteins, and fats that formula provides better than most anything else.
These products are all recommended for your kitty, too, so use the above links for your own shopping, or have some sent as a donation to us! Ship packages to our vet, who has so graciously allowed us to have our packages sent to them for later pickup by our foster coordinators and then distributed to our foster homes.
Bottle feeding is a tough job, and we go through lots of bottles, kitten milk replacer, and weaning formula. These supplies are always in demand, and we even use them on really sick cats who need the extra calories, proteins, and fats that formula provides better than most anything else.
A Second Chance Puppies and Kittens Rescue
c/o Riverbridge Animal Hospital
6862 Forest Hill Blvd
West Palm Beach, FL 33413
Kitten Tents
The kitten cam tents are a subject of many viewer questions. The tents made fostering easy or even POSSIBLE for many who don't have spare rooms or kitten-safe zones in their houses. We at A Second Chance Puppies & Kittens Rescue are in constant need for more tents. Here are links to the tents on Amazon (supplies are limited on some) to buy them for yourself, or gift them to A Second Chance to help us save more lives.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Monday, September 10, 2012
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Show Off Your Pet's Photo On Our New Rescue Vehicle!

Saturday, September 1, 2012
The Delray Kitten Cam Crew Finds New Gravity Enhancer
While the couch cushion cover is in the wash, the DKC crew managed to have some fun with the stuffing, and discovered it made for a soft bed that was big enough to hold them. Bubbles and Gurgle are off at adoption events, trying to find a furever home. JJ is back on break from the cages at PETCO after his sister was adopted. The rest are waiting out some sniffles, but will be ready very, very soon.
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